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Almost everything in the house was practical and real except the baby room where we filmed the scenes between Mark and Devon in the last episode. That is a Frank Lloyd Wright house in the Hudson Valley. How many people have told you that they want your character’s house from Severance? Here, she speaks with The Hollywood Reporter about the delicate dance of telling queer stories in period pieces, growing up in Kentucky on Lunchables and old movies, and why the characters on the fringes of Severance’s central plot are just as creepy as ones who’ve walked into a corporate cult. But Tullock, who maintains quite an amusing Instagram account, is not interested in staying in any one lane.

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Ben Stiller, Creator Dan Erickson on That 'Severance' Finale and Plans for Season 2Īpple TV+’s twisty dystopian workplace drama, in which she plays the sister of Adam Scott’s character, whose consciousness has literally been split in two, and HBO’s noir-y update of one of pop culture’s most famous lawyers are two seemingly unexpected moves for an artist who describes her early work as a cross between Cindy Sherman and Sasha Baron Cohen.

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