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John Holmes was born John Curtis Estes on August 8, 1944, in the small rural town of Ashville, Ohio, about 11 miles (18 km) south of Columbus. He was the subject of several books, a lengthy essay in Rolling Stone and two feature-length documentaries, and was the inspiration for two Hollywood movies ( Boogie Nights and Wonderland). Near the end of his life, Holmes attained notoriety for his reputed involvement in the Wonderland murders of July 1981 and eventually for his death from complications caused by AIDS in March 1988. However no documented measurement of Holmes' actual penis length, girth, tumescence, sexual stamina, or ejaculate volume has ever been confirmed. Holmes was best known for his exceptionally large penis, which was heavily promoted for its length and thickness. He ranks among the most prolific adult film performers, with documented credits for at least 573 films. Holmes or Johnny Wadd (after the lead character he portrayed in a series of related films), was an American pornographic film actor. John Curtis Holmes ( né Estes Aug– March 13, 1988), better known as John C. Wadd, The Duke of Wadd, John Foot Long, Wadzilla, King Wadd, The Human Tripod, Wizard of Wadd, The Sultan of Smut, The Reverse Birth, The Sheriff of Grottingham, Eve's Burden Holmes, John Curtis Holmes, Johnny Holmes, Bigg John, Big John, John Rey, Johnny Wadd, John Sacre, Long John Wadd, Johnny B. John Duval, John Estes, Big John Fallus, Big John Holmes, John C.

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